Securing Asia’s Food and Nutrition future

15/ 03/ 2017

Securing Asia’s Food and Nutrition future

The 4th Responsible Business Forum on Food & Agriculture was held in 14-15 March 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia with the theme of “Securing Asia’s Food and Nutrition future” to Enhancing access to finance, technology, knowledge and market”, has convened over 450 decision makers from business, government, investors, the development community and farmers to establish innovative and collaborative approaches to achieving food and nutrition security in Asia. Responsible Business Forum presents practical ways to accelerate solutions for a more sustainable world while increasing business and industry growth as well as looking at the commitments of leading global companies and explore deeper integration of sustainability and social responsibility to deliver longer-term business success.

Delegates have contributed actionable recommendations for increasing productivity across seven key agricultural commodities in the Asia Pacific region, focusing on agricultural sustainability, product innovation for food safety and nutrition, and collaboration along the entire food chain.

Representative of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Chu Van Chuong, Deputy General Director of International Cooperation Department, is cordially invited to share valuable insights and experience in working group on Coffee sector. At panel discussion on coffee topic, Dr.Chuong has shared experience in supporting Public Private Task Forces (Working Groups) with in framework of the Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture in Vietnam (PSAV), as well as transferring knowledge and market information. One of the most successful case is Public Private Partnership Coffee Task Force and how they contribute to the development of coffee sector as well as sustainable agriculture in Vietnam. His sharing was highly appreciated by the audience as other valued delegates in Forum.