Field trip to successful green solution models adapting to climate change

01/ 08/ 2024

On the morning of August 1 in Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, a workshop was held to summarize the field trip of a delegation to successful green solution models adapting to climate change in agriculture in the Central Highlands. The workshop was attended and chaired by Mr. To Viet Chau, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Department – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), and 40 delegates from relevant agencies of MARD, enterprises, institutes/schools/research centers, international and non-governmental organizations.

Ms. Nguyen Cam Thuy - Grow Asia is summarizing the activities of the field trip

Within the framework of the project "Enhancing capacity and sharing experiences of public-private partnership (PPP) models for sustainable agricultural development," implemented by the Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture Vietnam (PSAV) Secretariat in collaboration with the National Agricultural Extension Center, a field trip to successful green solution models adapting to climate change in agriculture in the Central Highlands (coffee, pepper, vegetables, potatoes) took place from July 29 to August 1, 2024.

The field trip aimed to: Understand the operation and impact of green solutions in agricultural production helping Central Highlands farmers adapt to and increase resilience to climate change; Learn lessons from successful sustainable farming practices contributing to the conservation of natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystem services; Raise awareness among businesses in connecting stakeholders through the Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture Vietnam (PSAV) to implement initiatives related to innovation and climate-smart agricultural value chain activities; Identify starting points to propose specific actions in replicating and promoting successful green solution models to adapt to climate change in agriculture.

In his opening speech, Mr. To Viet Chau, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Department – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, shared that Vietnam is promoting agricultural restructuring, shifting from a "production mindset" to an "economic mindset," aiming to develop production along the value chain. Additionally, MARD has clearly identified the need for close coordination between actors, especially between the public and private sectors, to create profound systemic changes. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) investments are an important tool to attract investment into the sector, contributing to achieving major strategic goals. The field trip provides more opportunities for exchange, discussion, and sharing about sustainable agricultural development models, promoting women's leadership and market linkages.

Mr. Chau also expressed gratitude to PepsiCo Vietnam Foods Co., Ltd.; Khang Thinh Irrigation Technology Joint Stock Company; IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative; CARE International in Vietnam; and the “Agroforestry Coffee and Forest Quality Enhancement for REDD+” project, which have accompanied PSAV in preparing for the field trip and the summary workshop. Through this program, Mr. Chau hopes that lessons learned from successful green solution models adapting to climate change will be spread and further replicated.

Photos taken during the field trip:

Sustainable potato production model
High-tech irrigation model
Working with local government
Sustainable agricultural landscape model
Yu M Nang Coffee Model
40 delegates attend the workshop