EU exports: Enterprises need to use electronic Veterinary and Phytosanitary Certificate

03/ 04/ 2020

In order to ensure the smooth exporting operation, enterprises should use TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System) for Sanitary, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Certificates for exported products importing to EU market.

Vietnam Trade Office in Belgium and EU (Ministry of Industry and Trade) stated that the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DGSANTE) has just announced an urgent certificate of export to this market in the context of COVID- 19 outbreaks and the EU is blocking the border.

Accordingly, to ensure export an activity operating smoothly, DGSANTE recommends using the TRACES (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/tracesnt/ecas-login) for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Certificates for products exported to the EU.

For countries not using TRACES, businesses need to ensure to provide the original certificate along with the shipment in the vehicle. In case the original certificate cannot be attached to the shipment, the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DGSANTE) will propose to the EU Border Check-point to accept copies of certificates that meet the following conditions:

The scanned copy of the original certificate sent by email, from the mailbox of the central authority of the country to the mailbox of the EU Border Check-point of the entry point in the EU, is provided at the following websites:

  • For animals and animal products:


  • For food and food of non-animal origin:


  • For plants and plant products:


The original certificate is sent to the EU Border Check-point as soon as possible technically, when the restrictions mentioned above have been reviewed or removed substantially. In case of any problems, EU inspection agencies will contact Vietnam Trade Office in Belgium and EU to confirm.

Vietnam enterprises encountering difficulties in dealing with Veterinary and Phytosanitary Certificates during the COVID-19 virus epidemic, can contact the Vietnam Trade Office in Belgium and the EU at email be@moit.gov.vn for the best support in exporting to EU.