15/ 03/ 2022


The negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership between ASEAN and the six states with which ASEAN has existing FTAs (including China, Korean, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand) were launched from May 9th, 2013. The negotiation progress was concluded in November 2019, except India - decided to opt out of RCEP. 15 RCEP member countries (except India) signed RCEP on 15 November 2020. This RCEP Agreement will enter into force 60 days after six ASEAN Member States and three non ASEAN Member States have ratified the Agreement.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement is an agreement to broaden and deepen ASEAN’s engagement with Australia, China, Japan, Korea and New Zealand. Together, these RCEP participating countries account for about 30% of the global GDP and 30% of the world population. The objective of the RCEP Agreement is to establish a modern, comprehensive, high-quality, and mutually beneficial economic partnership that will facilitate the expansion of regional trade and investment and contribute to global economic growth and development. Accordingly, it will bring about market and employment opportunities to businesses and people in the region. The RCEP Agreement will work alongside and support an open, inclusive, and rules-based multilateral trading system.

Agreement text


RCEP Full Text


Chapter 1: Initial Provisions and General Definitions

Chapter 2: Trade in Goods

Chapter 3: Rules of Origin

Annex 3A. Product Specific Rules

Annex 3B. Minimum Information Requirements

Chapter 4: Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation

Annex 4A. Period of Time to Implement the Commitments

Chapter 5: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Chapter 6: Standards, Technical Regulations, and Conformity Assessment Procedures

Chapter 7: Trade Remedies

Annex 7A: Practices Relating to Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings

Chapter 8: Trade in Services

Annex 8A: Financial Services

Annex 8B: Telecommunication Services

Annex 8C: Professional Services

Chapter 9: Temporary Movement of Natural Persons

Chapter 10: Investment

Annex 10A: Customary International Law

Annex 10B: Expropriation

Chapter 11: Intellectual Property

Annex 11A: Party-Specific Transition Periods

Annex 11B: List of Technical Assistance Requests

Chapter 12: Electronic Commerce

Chapter 13: Competition

Annex 13A: Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against Anti-Competitive Activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Brunei Darussalam

Annex 13B: Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against Anti-Competitive Activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Cambodia

Annex 13C: Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against Anti-Competitive Activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Lao PDR

Annex 13D: Application of Article 13.3 (Appropriate Measures against Anti-Competitive Activities) and Article 13.4 (Cooperation) to Myanmar

Chapter 14: Small and Medium Enterprises

Chapter 15: Economic and Technical Cooperation

Chapter 16: Government Procurement

Annex 16A: Paper or Electronic Means Utilised by Parties for the Publication of Transparency Information

Chapter 17: General Provisions and Exceptions

Chapter 18: Institutional Provisions

Annex 18A: Functions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the RCEP Joint Committee

Chapter 19: Dispute Settlement

Chapter 20: Final Provisions

Related documents

Annex I: Schedules of Tariff Commitments: General Notes (Schedules of Tariff Commitments)


Headnote to Schedule of Australia

Schedule of Australia

Brunei Darussalam

Headnote to Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Schedule of Tariff Brunei Darussalam


Headnote to Schedule of Cambodia

Schedule of Cambodia


Headnote to Schedule of China

Schedule of China


for Australia

for Japan

for Korea

for New Zealand

Appendix of China in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)


Headnote to Schedule of Indonesia

Schedule of Indonesia


for Australia

for China

for Japan

for Korea

for New Zealand

Appendix of Indonesia in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)


Headnote to Schedule of Japan

Schedule of Japan

Appendix of Japan in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)


Headnote to Schedule of Korea

Schedule of Korea


for Australia

for China

for Japan

for New Zealand

Appendix of Korea in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)


Headnote to Schedule of Laos

Schedule of Laos


Headnote to Schedule of Malaysia

Schedule of Malaysia

Schedule of Malaysia Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ)

Appendix of Malaysia in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)


Headnote to Schedule of Myanmar

Schedule of Myanmar

New Zealand

Headnote to Schedule of New Zealand

Schedule of New Zealand


Headnote to Schedule of Philippines

Schedule of Philippines

for Common Concession

for Australia and New Zealand

for China

for Japan

for Korea

Appendix of Philippines in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)


Headnote to Schedule of Singapore


Headnote to Schedule of Thailand

Schedule of Thailand

Appendix of Thailand in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)

Viet Nam

Headnote to Schedule of Viet Nam

Schedule of Viet Nam


for Australia

for China

for Japan

for Korea

for New Zealand

Appendix of Viet Nam in relation to paragraph 3 of Article 2.6 (Tariff Differentials)

Annex II: Schedules of Specific Commitments for Services

Schedule of Cambodia

Schedule of China

Schedule of Laos

Schedule of Myanmar

Schedule of New Zealand

Schedule of Philippines

Schedule of Thailand

Schedule of Viet Nam

Annex III: Schedules of Reservations and Non-Conforming Measures for Services and Investment

Schedule of Australia

Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Schedule of Cambodia

Schedule of China

Schedule of Indonesia

Schedule of Japan

Schedule of Korea

Schedule of Laos

Schedule of Malaysia

Schedule of Myanmar

Schedule of New Zealand

Schedule of Philippines

Schedule of Singapore

Schedule of Thailand

Schedule of Viet Nam

Annex IV: Schedules of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons

Schedule of Australia

Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Schedule of Cambodia

Schedule of China

Schedule of Indonesia

Schedule of Japan

Schedule of Korea

Schedule of Laos

Schedule of Malaysia

Schedule of Myanmar

Schedule of New Zealand

Schedule of Philippines

Schedule of Singapore

Schedule of Thailand

Schedule of Viet Nam

Ministers’ Declaration on India’s Participation in RCEP